How Much Vitamin D Do We Really Need?

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In the multi-lettered world of vitamins and minerals, why did Vitamin D move to the top of the list…and should it be there? Following is a look at the paradox of the “sunshine vitamin,” critical to the body’s healthy function in numerous ways, but may not be important enough to warrant regular screenings, according to the latest national recommendations. The undisputed…

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MIND Your Diet

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Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. – Hippocrates Food’s healing properties is a concept that stems back to the earliest days of medicine, but has taken on new significance as a natural way to prevent or manage today’s most devastating illnesses, from dementia to heart disease. The regimens presented below are…

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Sweet Surrender: Is Sugar Off the Table for Healthy Eaters?

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As we become more aware of what comprises healthy eating, sugar is increasingly viewed with a wary eye. Evidence is mounting that a sugar-filled diet – and the resulting weight gain – can lead to increased cholesterol, blood pressure and inflammation, and to a higher risk of obesity and obesity-related conditions such as diabetes, pre-diabetes,…

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Step Up to the Plate: Nutritionists Weigh in on Healthy Eating

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Picturing a healthy meal has never been more accessible, thanks to the ubiquity of visual aids such as MyPlate, successor to the well-known Food Pyramid of the ‘90s. A quick scan of the plate’s quadrants enables users to see at a glance proportions of vegetables, proteins and other foods recommended for a nutritionally balanced day…

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Salt Shake Down: Sodium Reduction is on the Table

Turkey sandwiches…soups…deli meats. Are these the building blocks of a healthy meal or stealthy contributors of excess sodium? Both, according to experts, but improved versions are in the works, thanks to June 2016 Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommended guidelines and commitments from food manufacturers and restaurant operators to shake down the salt. Implicated in…

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How Much Vitamin D Do We Really Need?

Healthwise Winter 2015 FINAL Hasson 300x244

In the multi-lettered world of vitamins and minerals, why did Vitamin D move to the top of the list…and should it be there? Following is a look at the paradox of the “sunshine vitamin,” critical to the body’s healthy function in numerous ways, but may not be important enough to warrant regular screenings, according to the latest national recommendations. The undisputed…

The post How Much Vitamin D Do We Really Need? appeared first on Specialdocs Consultants.

MIND Your Diet

Hasson HW 2017 Summer FINAL 2 300x177

Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. – Hippocrates Food’s healing properties is a concept that stems back to the earliest days of medicine, but has taken on new significance as a natural way to prevent or manage today’s most devastating illnesses, from dementia to heart disease. The regimens presented below are…

The post MIND Your Diet appeared first on Specialdocs Consultants.